Secret Shopper Sites Reviewed:
From the desk of Scott Welch......

Earn $50/hour Secret Shopping?

.....The idea of secret shopper jobs is becoming very popular with people looking for part time work with flexible hours. Secret shopping jobs offer good pay, short hours, and a fun, interesting work environment. Most Secret Shoppers only work 1-2 hours per job, and can accept or reject a job with just a day's notice. The work usually consists of visiting a store, making predetermined purchases, and evaluating the customer service. Of course there are variations, such as going to a restaurant or hotel, and evaluating the food, cleanliness, and overall attitude of the staff. In any case, the secret shoppers will fill out a report after their work is done, and turn it in to receive their pay. 

Sounds like a fun, legitimate job, right? Well unfortunately, if you want to participate, you are likely to find hundreds of fraudulent web sites claiming to help you get daily work. But in most cases, these web sites have one intent - making you pay to become a member of their web site just so they can supposedly tell you where to go on the internet to find real secret shopping jobs. But all they actually do is provide you with a list of useless links to companies that no longer exist, or more companies that want you to pay more money to join their web site as well! 

These web sites will charge you a $20-$50 fee for access to their directory of secret shopping job sources. In reality, most of these web sites offer you nothing more than the following: 

  • Outdated secret shopping resources with non-working links, phone numbers, & email addresses.
  • No customer service or help in finding jobs.
  • No refunds if you are unsatisfied - Most of these fly-by-night secret shopping web sites won't even respond to your refund requests, and once their web site gets shut down due to complaints, they start another one under a different name.
  • Poorly designed sites with confusing navigation systems and information, and non-working pages.
As a watchdog for work at home scams, we have thoroughly reviewed hundreds of secret shopper web sites, talking to their owners, reviewing their member's areas, and speaking to many of their clients & workers. Based on our research, as of June 2005, we can only recommend the following secret shopper web sites out of the hundreds we've looked at, as they have proven to be legitimate sources for secret shopper job providers. These companies all require a one time fee of $20-$50, and they charge this fee because they actually have dedicated representatives to help you find work on a daily basis. 

Each of the sites we recommend below offer a money-back guarantee for up to 45 days. And we have verified that these companies live up to this guarantee. 

After joining one of the sites below, and meeting their qualifications, you can expect to be offered up to 10 secret shopper job offers per week. You then have the option to accept or reject each one. Most mystery shopping jobs pay $15-$25/hour, and most jobs DO NOT last more than 2-4 hours. Therefore, you are typically going to earn $30-$100 per job, plus maybe a few free items from the store, or a free meal. If you can line up more than 1 job per day, you can make more than $200 per day, for easy, fun work. Its all up to you, and how much you want to work. 

Take a look at what one woman has accomplished as a mystery shopper: 

Wall Street Journal, Online Edition June 9, 2004: 

"Cheers," she said, hoisting a frosty Corona with lime. Tanned and relaxed after playing a few holes, she finished up the beer and ate a cheeseburger. The golf and burgers were all part of the job, as were the strict instructions from her boss to 'consume at least one alcoholic beverage." That was her afternoon. Her morning was spent dress shopping, cashing a check at a bank, and looking at new cars. In the evening she ate dinner with a friend at a, "nice Italian restaurant." Everything she did was a paid job. She made about $300 that day. "Can you believe they call this work?" she asked. And what does this shopper make on a monthly basis? According to The Wall Street Journal, "she made nearly $7,000" the month before the article was written, i.e. in May, 2004. 

Also, due to popular demand from our readers, we have recently added a section reviewing some of the mystery shopping sites that are free to join, which you will find under the Free-to-Join Secret Shopping and Paid Survey Sites category at the bottom of this page. Most of the free-to-join mystery shopping sites out there are simply scams that offer no real mystery shopping jobs; instead they wish to collect your email address so that they can deluge your email with spam. However, there are actually a few legitimate mystery shopping sites that are free to join, so we decided to add our recommendations & reviews for them here as well. Be awarehowever that it is not reasonable to expect to make anything close to a full-time income from these smaller sites. They can typically supply 3 - 5 mystery shopping jobs per month, and pay much less than the membership sites that require a fee to join. However, as it is extra money, we still recommend you join them, as they are free and there is no risk. 

Best Regards, 

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